Shankar Bhamidi

Department of Statistics and Operations Research
304 Hanes Hall CB #3260
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
bhamidi@domain with domain =

I am a Professor in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research. I joined the department in July 2009 after completing a postdoc in the Mathematics Department,  at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver. I completed my Ph.D. in 2008 at the Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley under Professor David Aldous

I work in both probability and statistics. In my research I have worked on stochastic processes, random networks including dynamics on network models and random graphs. I am interested in problems that have originated from some applied branch of science, to which probability can say something fruitful and non-trivial. I try to find unifying mathematical principles which can be used to solve a variety of problems. Please check the links above for more details regarding the nature of my exact research, courses I have taught and about my life in general.

A relatively upto date cv can be found here.